When you are renting your home, it's always a good idea to have renters' insurance. In fact, most landlords require you to have it. Even when they don't require it, it's best to have it in place to protect yourself from several risks. If you are in Oregon and need renters' insurance, call us today at Einstein Insurance in Portland, OR to find out more.
A renters' insurance policy protects all of your belongings that are inside your rental. When something happens, such as certain disasters that ruin your belongings, your renters' policy can pay you for them. This allows you to replace your destroyed items so that you can quickly get back to normal again. Not having this insurance coverage would mean paying for all of the replacements yourself, and many can't afford to do that.
Many people don't think much about liability issues when they rent a home, but they exist. Even though you don't own the space, you can still be held liable if someone falls or has another accident in your home. This would mean that you'd foot the bill for all of the ensuing lost wages and medical bills. With renters' insurance, the policy pays for it all up to its maximum payout.
If something serious happened to your home that rendered it uninhabitable, you would have to move out for a while as the repairs were being done. This can be a serious expense for most people, but it's paid for with a renters' insurance policy. This can protect your standard of living after an incident like a serious accident or calamity.
If you are in Oregon and rent your home, it's time to get a renters' insurance policy. Give us a call at Einstein Insurance in Portland, OR to get started.